3 Benefits Of Buying Jewelry Beads Wholesale

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dressing plain clothes up with jewelry

I love to wear all black all of the time. I have several different suits, dresses and outfits that are black from head to toe. To jazz up the plain black clothing, I use jewelry and accessories. If you like to wear plain clothing and feel kind of bland as you walk around through the day, it is time for you to look into wearing jewelry. My blog will provide you with several tips for accessorizing without spending a fortune on jewelry that will make your traditional, plain clothing look dull and boring instead of increasing your sense of style.

3 Benefits Of Buying Jewelry Beads Wholesale

12 October 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Handmade, unique jewelry has always been enticing to people of all ages. If you are in the jewelry making business, or want to break into it soon, it is important to consider buying your beads and other materials wholesale. There are several benefits to purchasing wholesale beads, including: 

1. Save Money

When it comes to buying beads, one of the main reasons to purchase wholesale is that you will save a lot of money when buying large quantities of beads and other products. If you simply enjoy making jewelry as a hobby, you will probably find it less expensive to purchase your beads from a craft store. However, if you are a serious business owner who regularly produces a large amount of jewelry, buying wholesale is the way to go. When you purchase beads wholesale, you work directly with the manufacturer, business to business, rather than going through a broker who will increase costs.

2. Bigger Variety

When you buy beads wholesale, you also have a wider variety of bead options from which you can choose. You are less likely to find the beads you need are sold out, which can often happen when you visit regular craft stores. Because there is such a variety when it comes to wholesale bead suppliers, you save time as well. You do not have to run from craft store to craft to find the beads that you're looking for; instead, purchase everything online from the comfort of your own home. 

3. Help the Environment

Buying beads wholesale helps more than just you as a businessperson. Packaging for smaller quantities of beads, in addition to increasing costs, is also harmful to the environment. When purchasing beads wholesale, they are usually delivered in large cardboard boxes or thin plastic bags, meaning more can be recycled and creating less waste overall. Shipping large quantities of beads from wholesale businesses also means that there are fewer stops and less impact on the environment from vehicle emissions. 

If you are on the fence about purchasing wholesale, take the three benefits listed above into consideration. Buying jewelry beads wholesale is a great way to help your business by saving money, time, and getting more bead options to appeal to more customers. You can get great-looking jewelry at a lower cost to you, meaning you'll earn more of a profit, and you can also feel good knowing you are benefiting the environment rather than harming it. Visit Har-Man Importing Corp to order wholesale beads today.