4 Reasons To Choose A Small Jewelry Store Rather Than A Chain

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dressing plain clothes up with jewelry

I love to wear all black all of the time. I have several different suits, dresses and outfits that are black from head to toe. To jazz up the plain black clothing, I use jewelry and accessories. If you like to wear plain clothing and feel kind of bland as you walk around through the day, it is time for you to look into wearing jewelry. My blog will provide you with several tips for accessorizing without spending a fortune on jewelry that will make your traditional, plain clothing look dull and boring instead of increasing your sense of style.

4 Reasons To Choose A Small Jewelry Store Rather Than A Chain

5 February 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Most bigger department stores have sections dedicated to jewelry. They do have their advantages, but on the whole, it is generally a better idea to shop at a specialized jewelry store that is dedicated to the very craft of jewelry. Throughout the course of this brief article, you'll learn a few reasons why this is the case.

Specific Designs

When you go to a specialized jewelry store, you will be dealing with jewelers who are very well versed in their craft. Chances are, they've worked as jewelers for years and know how to satisfy their customers. By telling a jeweler at one of these locations what exactly you're looking for in a piece of jewelry, the jeweler will most likely be able to direct you to a piece that fits your specifications or he or she will be able to design the piece you're looking for especially for you.

No Hardline Premiums

By shopping at stores that feature jewelry shops inside of them rather than a dedicated jewelry store itself, you're robbing yourself of savings. You should only be paying premiums is when you move up in either carat weight or clarity of the stone. You will most likely pay a nebulous premium that is entirely unwarranted at a larger department store.


Many people are under the assumption that you cannot enjoy the wealth of choices that the department store based storefronts can offer. This is simply not the case. Many smaller jewelers have connections that are far reaching, and they are generally more particular about who they work with. Many smaller stores work with huge distributors, such as the Israeli Diamond Exchange and the India Diamond Exchange. Store with such connections can usually find whatever it is you're looking for in a particular jewel.

Set Your Budget More Easily

Due to the fact that you're paying for nebulous premium, a department store based jeweler is not going to save you money. A smaller store cannot only save you money, but will ensure that you stay within your budget. Simply speak to the jeweler about how much you're willing to pay and they will be able to find something that meets most of your specifications without breaking your bank.

Small jewelry stores offer a wide array of jewels, offer great customer service, and, are more often than not, far less expensive than storefronts based out of department stores. Pop into such a store today and see for yourself. Contact a business, such as Ardie's Coins Inc ., for more information.