Choosing And Wearing Hoop Earrings

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dressing plain clothes up with jewelry

I love to wear all black all of the time. I have several different suits, dresses and outfits that are black from head to toe. To jazz up the plain black clothing, I use jewelry and accessories. If you like to wear plain clothing and feel kind of bland as you walk around through the day, it is time for you to look into wearing jewelry. My blog will provide you with several tips for accessorizing without spending a fortune on jewelry that will make your traditional, plain clothing look dull and boring instead of increasing your sense of style.

Choosing And Wearing Hoop Earrings

16 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Hoop earrings are available in all types of colors and sizes. Each kind creates a certain style or look that looks better on some people than they do with others. The clothing you wear can also exaggerate or minimize the effect of hoop earrings. Here are some tips as to choosing and wearing these gorgeous, round earrings.

Choose a size that accentuates your face:

One guideline is to limit the size of your hoops to the length of your jawline. Another suggestion is to wear larger hoops if you have a wide or long face and smaller ones, such as classic earrings around two inches, if you have a smaller face. Use a size that doesn't point to your flaws such as smaller hoops that don't accentuate a sagging neck or chin, or ones that don't make it look like your ears stick out straight.

Wear with a bare neck:

Hoop earrings look great if you are wearing strapless dresses, v-necks or halter tops. If you're wearing large hoops, don't wear a necklace as it will be overwhelming and over-done. The earrings can look great with turtlenecks and t-shirts as long as these are otherwise un-embellished and mostly of one color. Don't wear them with jackets and coats, especially those that come up to or cover the neck.

Pick ones that match your colors:

Since hoop earrings come in a wide range of colors and choices, it's easy to mix and match them to your outfits, hair color, or even your skin tone. You want colors that complement your tones and outfit rather than make your look more overwhelming. You also want enough contrast to make the earrings stand out without being the center of focus. Cool tones look great with white gold or silver and warm tones look better with yellow gold or copper, for example.

Consider the occasion: 

When choosing a size or shape of hoop earrings, consider where you are going and what you will be doing. Most offices tend to be conservative, so smaller hoops or other traditionally-styled earrings, may be a better choice. Hoop earrings are great for most casual occasions, but make sure that you're not doing anything that is going to cause them to be caught in anything.

Hoop earrings come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors, and most people can find a pear that works for them. It's a good idea to have several types in your collection so that you will be ready for any occasion. If you want to know more about hoop earrings, contact a jeweler, such as Rinehart Brothers Jewelers, who stocks a variety of earrings and can tell you more about each type.