Four Reasons Why Jewelry Lovers Need to Invest in Body Chains

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dressing plain clothes up with jewelry

I love to wear all black all of the time. I have several different suits, dresses and outfits that are black from head to toe. To jazz up the plain black clothing, I use jewelry and accessories. If you like to wear plain clothing and feel kind of bland as you walk around through the day, it is time for you to look into wearing jewelry. My blog will provide you with several tips for accessorizing without spending a fortune on jewelry that will make your traditional, plain clothing look dull and boring instead of increasing your sense of style.

Four Reasons Why Jewelry Lovers Need to Invest in Body Chains

11 November 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Fashion trends come and go, but some are so versatile and beautiful that they deserve more attention. Body chain jewelry is one of those amazingly hot new fashion trends that is taking over. The popularity of this type of look is growing and there are many reasons why every woman should invest in this exciting new look. 

Protect Your Skin

Finally women can have the sexy look of body jewelry without having to make a single hole in their skin. Body chains can drape over shoulders, chests and bellies and hands without any piercing, pain or potential infection to worry about. They make it easy for women with professional jobs to still have the personal style they want when they are away from the office. 

Match Your Style

It is easy to find something that will appeal to everyone because body chains are available in so many styles. There are elegant and formal designs as well as trendy and casual ones. They can be either sultry and loaded with sex appeal or sweet and delicate.

Slim chains with dainty jewels or baubles are available as are cascading collections of rhinestones that mimic sheer tops and lacy gloves. Women that are uncomfortable with body chains can stay in style by choosing hand chains instead. A single hand chain, when worn alone, will look very elegant and minimalistic. 

Match Your Size 

Several companies are now making larger-scale chains for women that require plus size clothing. These body chains and hand chains are not only longer, but are thicker to accommodate women who feel that thin chains do not compliment their larger body size. Women of all shapes and sizes can accessorize with the chains and feel attractive thanks to their body-hugging ability and exotic look. 

Save Your Money

Many of the body chain brands and designs are very affordable. This makes it easier for women that want to go wild and pile on multiple chains to do so without spending a fortune. Even women that want to wear only one body or hand chain at a time will find it possible to find enough free money in their budget to purchase styles that match every outfit they own. 

Many of Hollywood's biggest trendsetters are wearing body chains and hand chains in places as diverse as on the red carpet and at the beach. For more information on the available styles, visit body chain jewelry providers such as Be Goldish.