The Do's And Don'ts Of Wearing Diamond Rings

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I love to wear all black all of the time. I have several different suits, dresses and outfits that are black from head to toe. To jazz up the plain black clothing, I use jewelry and accessories. If you like to wear plain clothing and feel kind of bland as you walk around through the day, it is time for you to look into wearing jewelry. My blog will provide you with several tips for accessorizing without spending a fortune on jewelry that will make your traditional, plain clothing look dull and boring instead of increasing your sense of style.

The Do's And Don'ts Of Wearing Diamond Rings

21 February 2020
 Categories: , Blog

When shouldn't you wear your wedding ring? Even though you'd rather not remove this symbol of your ever-lasting love, diamond rings just don't mix with some activities. If you're not sure how to care for your new ring, take a look at the easiest ways to keep it safe.

Do Remove Your Ring for Workouts

Why shouldn't you wear your diamond to the gym, a martial arts class, yoga, pilates, or any other physical activity? There are several answers to this question, depending on what your workout includes. The top reasons to not wear your ring when you exercise are:

  • Your hands could sweat. Sweaty fingers plus the smooth surface of your ring mean your wedding band could fall off.
  • Equipment could damage the surface. A heavy weight or other gym equipment could scratch the band or cause other damage to your ring.
  • It poses a safety hazard. The sharp edges of your diamond or the setting could pose a scratch and puncture risk—especially if your workout includes close contact with another class member.

Avoid loss or theft issues and remove your ring at home. Find a safe space, such as its original box or a safe, to keep the diamond until your workout is over.

Don't Clean with Your Ring On

Even though cleaning your ring is part of regular care and maintenance, you don't want to clean with your ring on.

To keep your ring safe during home cleaning activities:

  • Remove it first. Take the ring off before you dust, scrub, or wash any part of your home. This keeps it safe from dirt, debris, and chemicals.
  • Don't assume gloves are the answer. Even though gloves provide a protective layer, they can coat your ring with powder or rubber residue.
  • Store it safely. Prevent accidents and store your ring far away from the soap-filled bucket or other household cleaners you may use.

Along with workouts and home cleaning, read on for more information on when to remove your wedding ring.

Do Remove Your Ring to Apply Cosmetic Products

While you can keep your ring on during your normal morning makeup routine, you should take it off if you:

  • Self-tan. Not only will your ring add an odd line to your hand tan, but the chemicals in the tanning product could damage your jewelry.
  • Apply lotion. Again, the chemicals in some lotions can cause damage. Beyond physical damage, a slippery lotion surface may make it easier for you to lose the ring.
  • Have a spa treatment. Body wraps and other processes could also pose a damage risk to your delicate band.

Whether you're working out, cleaning at home, or lathering up with lotion, diamond rings and some everyday activities don't mix. Remove your ring, find a safe place to store it, and consult a jewelry professional if you do accidentally damage the diamond or the band.