Things To Think About When You Buy A Star Pendant

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dressing plain clothes up with jewelry

I love to wear all black all of the time. I have several different suits, dresses and outfits that are black from head to toe. To jazz up the plain black clothing, I use jewelry and accessories. If you like to wear plain clothing and feel kind of bland as you walk around through the day, it is time for you to look into wearing jewelry. My blog will provide you with several tips for accessorizing without spending a fortune on jewelry that will make your traditional, plain clothing look dull and boring instead of increasing your sense of style.

Things To Think About When You Buy A Star Pendant

10 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

For many people, the star is a shape that is appealing. You might feel that wearing star shapes brings you good luck, or seeing a star may make you think about the magical feeling of wishing on a star. If you love stars, give some thought to wearing a star-shaped necklace pendant. This popular design is readily available at online and in-person jewelry stores, so you can shop for something that suits your price range and hang it from a necklace you already own or perhaps even buy a new necklace. You'll want to think about these things when you shop for a star pendant.

Star Shape 

Star-themed jewelry pendants are available in a wide assortment of shapes, so you'll have fun browsing the options and choosing a shape that appeals to you. You can think about the number of points you want the star to have, whether it's tall and thin or short and wide and other similar topics. Some star pendants are made of straight lines, while others use sweeping curves to give the star a different look.

Outline Vs. Full

Another thing that you'll need to think about when you shop for a star pendant is whether you want the pendant to feature the outline of a star or a full star. The former consists of thin pieces of metal that form the outer edge of a star; in this design, your skin will be visible in the center of the star. The latter option depicts a full star shape, which has more of a solid look. There are advantages to each of these designs. The outline option can look more subtle, which may be ideal if you don't necessarily want to draw attention to your pendant. The latter design stands out more, which some people will want.


If you're interested in wearing a star-shaped pendant that has a high degree of sparkle, you'll likely gravitate toward a design that features one or more gemstones. There are lots of designs available. If you want to wear a small star pendant, a design that features a solitary gemstone in the center of the star may be appropriate. If you're looking for a larger star that features a lot of sparkles, consider something that has a number of small gemstones throughout the star's surface. This is a type of design that can catch the light outdoors or in a well-lit room and bring attention to the pendant hanging from your neck.

Shop for a star pendant at a local or online jewelry store.